Last Day to Triple Your Investment
in ME/CFS Research

Thanks to the generosity of our supporters worldwide, we have surpassed our original fundraising goal for Triple Giving Tuesday OMF — so our leadership donors have stepped up to match an additional $200,000 in donations by Tuesday, Dec 1, 5PM PST!

Today only, all contributions up to $200,000 will be tripled! 

Help us exceed the new #TripleGivingTuesdayOMF goal!

As the world comes together this #GivingTuesday to give back to causes they care about, we at Open Medicine Foundation want to offer our heartfelt thanks for the generosity and trust of our community — people like you who support our belief that open and collaborative research is key to finding answers for people with ME/CFS.

There’s still time to make an impact and accelerate research around the globe — let’s end ME/CFS, together.

With hope for all,

Linda Tannenbaum
Founder & CEO/President