May Momentum Launches Next Week with New Webcast Series!

May Momentum Launches Next Week
With New Research Updates!

Our annual May Momentum campaign begins next week on May 1, 2022!

In recognition of May ME/CFS Awareness month, this campaign is a special effort by OMF and OMFCA to increase awareness of multi-system chronic complex diseases (msCCD) and energize fundraising efforts so we can continue our urgent research.

Announcing New Webcast Series!

This year we are excited to announce a new webcast series, “May Momentum Tuesdays,” to update you on the progress of the OMF Collaborative Research Network!

Every Tuesday during May, we will be sharing new video interviews with Directors of the OMF Collaborative Research Centers (CRC)s, who will update the community on their most recent research projects and progress. Don’t miss out! Videos will be uploaded to YouTube, our website, and social media every Tuesday starting May 3rd, 2022 and available to watch at
your convenience. 
In addition to sharing updates from OMF researchers, we’ll share stories from our OMF community, news about worldwide events, and more.

If you’re on social media, don’t forget to give OMFCA a follow!
When you do, you’ll be sure to never miss a thing:


This year is particularly special because it marks our 10th Year Anniversary. Over the years, we’ve assembled a team of world-class scientists, established 6 prestigious ME/CFS Collaborative Research Centers, and funded over 25 research studies. Our momentum has been made possible only thanks to you, our generous OMF family. We are grateful beyond words for your support.

We encourage you to stay tuned and support #MayMomentum in whatever ways you’re able. We’re working hard to make breakthroughs in research, medical education, and treatment trials. Your support in May will make a greater impact to help us achieve our ambitious goals. 

In case you missed it: check out our proudest accomplishments of the past decade, made possible by the support of our generous community.

With hope & Gratitude,

Linda Tannenbaum
OMF Founder & CEO/President 

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 Your donation of any amount plays a critical role in supporting our mission. Please consider contributing today!