Join Physics Girl’s Livestream: A Day in the Life with Long COVID and ME/CFS

Dianna Cowern sitting on a high stool against a solid blue background. She has long blond hair and is smiling, giving a joyful and relaxed vibe.If you are a science enthusiast, you have probably heard of Dianna Cowern, an American science communicator and YouTuber known as Physics Girl, who is living with Long COVID and ME/CFS

This Saturday (July 6, 2024), Dianna’s team will be live-streaming a day in her life, showcasing what it’s like for her to suffer from Long COVID and ME/CFS. The livestream will be viewable on the PhysicsGirl YouTube channel from 6:45 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. (Pacific time).

Pre-recorded interviews from experts include: 

Linda Tannenbaum, Founder and CEO of OMF, interviewed by Derek Muller from Veritasium.
Dr. David Kaufman, an ME/CFS specialist, interviewed by Vanessa Hill from BrainCraft.
Dr. Raven Baxter, a science communicator, interviewed by Kyle Kitzmiller.
Dr. David Putrino, Director of Rehabilitation Innovation for Mt. Sinai Health Systems, interviewed by Kyle Kitzmiller.

All proceeds from this event will benefit Open Medicine Foundation (OMF), supporting our crucial research into ME/CFS and Long COVID.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to gain insight into these debilitating conditions and support groundbreaking research. Mark your calendars and join us for this important livestream event.