Nanoneedle Diagnostic Tool
The technology will be optimized for easy clinical adoption and scaled up so that numerous FDA-approved drugs can be simultaneously screened as potential treatments.
Magnetic Levitation Platform
This could be a very inexpensive and effective diagnostic test for ME/CFS.
Metabolic Trap Study
The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis developed by Dr. Phair that a crucial component of metabolism in ME/CFS patients appears to be “trapped” in an unhealthy state.
Severely iIl Patient
The goal of the Severely ill Patient Study was to conduct a comprehensive “Big Data” analysis on severely ill ME/CFS patients in order to begin an exploration to find the molecular basis of ME/CFS.
T cells and Immunology
The study’s objective was to establish the role of T cells and the immune system in ME/CFS by examining the genetic material in T cells — immune cells that identify and kill infected cells.