Open Medicine Foundation Canada has a CrowdChange page that is just waiting for you to tell your personal story and setup your own fundraising. These days, people are raising money doing everything from growing mustaches to shaving their heads to writing poetry! So get creative and do something you think might resonate with your friends, family, and social network. Make it meaningful, and have fun with it.

CrowdChange fundraising pages are easy to set up and a fun way to share a cause you’re passionate about (especially Open Medicine Foundation Canada). You can easily send a link to your OMF Canada CrowdChange page via email, Facebook, or Twitter and ask for donations.

All donations will go directly to OMF Canada. CrowdChange has generously donated the use of their platform to OMF Canada to support our research and they do not charge OMF Canada any administrative fees. Your supporters will automatically receive an email receipt acknowledging their gift is 100% tax-deductible from OMF Canada.

Step 1: Create Your Personal Page

Go to OMF Canada’s CrowdChange page. It is very important to make sure you create your page under this umbrella so it shows up at the bottom of our page as one of our fundraisers.

Step 2: Set Up Your Account

To create your own celebration or Team OMF Canada account you need to first create an account with CrowdChange. Click the LOGIN on the far right of your screen. A box will pop-up prompting you to set up your own account. Be certain to save your login information so that you can access your account whenever you need to.

Step 3: Start a Fundraiser

On OMF Canada’s CrowdChange page, click on the blue button on the upper right titled START A FUNDRAISER.

Step 4: Provide Your Event Details

At this point, you will create your fundraiser. You must create a name for your fundraiser, identify if it is in honor of someone or for a Team OMF Canada event, set your fundraising $ goal, and explain the who/what/where/when and why of your fundraiser. Remember, people give to people. So make your page personal.

Don’t worry, you can always add things and make changes to it later. This is the biggest task. So when you complete this step, you’ll be almost done.

This page will give you the opportunity to upload a photo. It’s not required, but we definitely recommend it as a way to personalize your message, tribute or event and to help people identify your fundraiser from all the others. Make it a picture of yourself, the person you’re honoring, the two of you together, something fun about the event you are planning or even an inspirational quote you love.  The photo really helps to personalize your fundraising effort.

Step 5: Create Your Fundraiser

To save your page, click the blue CREATE FUNDRAISER button.

Once your page is created, you can always go back to edit details or add information.

Step 6: Event Logistics

If you identified that your fundraising page is in support of a Team OMF Canada fundraising event (this option will only appear if you clicked YES for Is this an event), you will then be prompted to continue. Click the CONTINUE button.

You will then be asked to fill in the specific event information: Date, Time, and Address are required. You can also select if you want your guests to receive a ticket from CrowdChange with their confirmation email. Remember to again click the blue CREATE FUNDRAISER button.

Step 7: Spread the Word

You are ready to promote your event. Send out an email blast to everyone you can and invite them to participate, attend, donate, and get involved. Be certain to include the link to your personal page. Copy the url and insert it as a hyperlink in your email messages. Share your event on your Facebook and Twitter profiles directly from your event using the Facebook and Twitter buttons on your event. Everything you do helps to support OMF Canada’s research program.

Step 8: Editing Your Event

To EDIT your event details, log in and click the black EDIT button. Then feel free to make all of your changes.

Remember to SAVE CHANGES to any editing you do on your event page.

Step 9: You are Done!

When you are done, your event for Open Medicine Foundation Canada will be listed on the OMF Canada CrowdChange page.

Important note: Open Medicine Foundation Canada has the right to review and accept or deny events/fundraising campaigns. If there is any questionable materials posted, they will be removed from the site.

If you need help or have any questions, please contact us by email.

We encourage you to share your event on your Facebook and Twitter profiles.

Good Luck and have FUN!