IIMEC15 Video Presentations Now Available!

Out Now! Video Presentations from IIMEC15


The video presentations from The 15th Invest in ME Research International ME Conference 2023 (IIMEC15) are now available: www.investinme.org/IIMEC15.shtml

*Click ‘IIMEC15 Presentations’ to see all presentations!


IIMEC15 took place on June 2, 2023, in Cambridge, United Kingdom. Multiple international collaborations were formed as researchers, clinicians, and patients from around the world gathered.


 Wenzhong Xiao, PhD (left) Robert Phair, PhD (Middle), Ron Davis, PhD (right)


OMF’s research team was excited to present our research projects to the conference attendees. Now, we are delighted to share recordings of the presentations with you:


If you’ve found these presentations valuable and want to contribute towards the ongoing research into ME/CFS, Long COVID and related diseases, we warmly invite you to consider making a donation. Your generous contribution can make a huge difference in our collective efforts to unravel the mysteries of ME/CFS, and helps us fund crucial research like that which was presented at the IIMEC15.


Open Medicine Foundation also accepts gifts of stock, cryptocurrency, real estate and retirement assets. Learn more today.