OMF Canada Triple Giving November logo

 TRIPLE YOUR IMPACT during Triple Giving November | All Donations to OMFCA are TRIPLED through December 3

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Share Your Story for #TripleTuesdayOMFCanada

Fundraise for OMF Canada during our Triple Giving Tuesday OMF Canada campaign

Share your story with friends and family and invite them to make a donation in support of groundbreaking ME/CFS research. Every donation they make any day of the week between now and International Giving Tuesday on December 3, 2019 will be triple matched. All donations up to $100,000 will be tripled, for a total of $300,000 raised.

You can use the sample messages below as a model for letters or emails to send to your personal connections. You can invite them to donate directly at or you can create a Crowdchange fundraiser. Regardless of how they donate, the triple match will apply to their gifts.