A Moment of Gratitude

Today, we want to extend a special thanks to OMF Ambassador Karin Alvtegen, one of Scandinavia’s most widely read and appreciated authors.Karin’s post on her Facebook page about her ongoing battle with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME / CFS) has already raised more than $4,500 for OMF to support groundbreaking ME/CFS research!

Karin has been sharing her ME / CFS story as part of #FlashBackFridayOMF. This series highlights the active, vibrant, successful lives patients lead before ME / CFS forces them into a more limited existence.

In 2013, Karin came down with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME / CFS) and has been severely ill. She has since become an active supporter of OMF. She describes her struggle finding appropriate medical care in Sweden, and the significant impact the disease has had on her life.

Karin also observes, “There are around 20,000 of us sick with ME in Sweden, from mild to very seriously affected. Adults, young people, and children. Only a fraction of us receives adequate care and help. Please contribute to the ME research at Open Medicine Foundation.”

Although Karin can no longer write, she has the support of the entire ME / CFS community. We’d like to sincerely thank Karin for using her powerful voice to raise awareness of just how much ME / CFS patients lose to this illness and to demonstrate the importance of funding research so patients can return to their healthy lives.

We are so grateful for the work of our international team of OMF Ambassadors like Karin Alvtegen, American actress Amy Carlson, Scottish musician, writer and filmmaker,  Stuart Murdoch, and Canadian performer, producer, and disability advocate, Jacqueline Ko.

Together, they are leveraging their accomplishments and profiles to help OMF raise awareness of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME / CFS) and attract the resources required to win this fight!

Won’t You Join Them?

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