Newsletter June 2021

Thank you for your support during #MayMomentum! Thanks to our community’s generosity and shared dedication, our annual May Momentum campaign was a huge success. Through individual donations and personal fundraisers on Facebook, Instagram, Twitch and other platforms, we raised over $175,000 for critical research into ME/CFS and related chronic, complex diseases! We are so grateful […]

Newsletter March 2021

OMF joins the Long COVID Alliance to accelerate research for post-infectious illness Open Medicine Foundation (OMF) is pleased to announce that we have joined 49 new partners in the fight to return millions of Americans to health. The Long COVID Alliance is a network of patient advocates, scientists, disease and public health experts, along with […]

Newsletter February 2021

An Update from Chris Armstrong, Director, Melbourne ME/CFS Collaboration The Melbourne ME/CFS Collaboration is the fifth and newest OMF funded collaborative research center. After making the journey to Australia to set up the Collaborative Research Center (CRC), Director Chris Armstrong began the groundbreaking study that he hopes will improve the lives of ME/CFS patients of […]

Newsletter October 2020

Join our Mission to End ME/CFS: Your Digital Fundraising Toolkit is Here! Passionate about our mission to end ME/CFS? Join us in our fight to fast-track critical research into Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME / CFS) by starting your own digital fundraiser! Open Medicine Foundation (OMF) is excited to announce that we have […]

Newsletter – August 2020

OMF’s ME/CFS and COVID-19 Research ProjectBrought into National Focus Open Medicine Foundations’ ME/CFS and COVID-19 research project was brought into national focus at a recent, federally-sponsored meeting of the first-ever virtual Interagency ME/CFS Working Group Meeting. This first meeting of the new Working Group focused on ME/CFS and those suffering from post-COVID-19 symptoms (aka “long-haulers”).  […]

You Inspire Us!

Riding to Raise Awareness: A Sister’s Fight to End ME / CFS Biking from coast to coast of any country is a significant journey. Although the stunning backdrop of Sweden’s coastline may be enough to inspire the ride, the motive for Swedish OMF supporter Olivia goes much deeper; Olivia’s sister Clara has Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME / CFS) […]

March 2020 Newsletter

OMF 2019 YEAR IN REVIEW We realize that you take your philanthropy seriously, and we are honored by your belief in our mission and our efforts to end Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME / CFS). The accomplishments contained in the following, OMF 2019 Year in Review, are only possible because of you; your […]

November Newsletter

HARVARD-AFFILIATED HOSPITALS EXAMINE ME / CFS PATIENT CARE Ronald G. Tompkins, MD, ScD, co-director of the OMFCA-funded Harvard ME / CFS Collaboration, and collaborative team member, Amel Karaa, MD, are diving into the current state of care for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME / CFS) patients. Tompkins and Karaa, together with OMFCA Founder […]

October 2019 Newsletter

Ron Tompkins and Jonas Bergquist Attend RME Sweden Conferences OMF Scientific Advisory Board members Ronald G. Tompkins, MD, ScD, and Jonas Bergquist, MD, PhD, are participating at the annual RME sponsored Roundtable meetings at the Lejondal Castle outside Stockholm on October 15-16. These meetings bring together leading researchers and clinicians from across Europe focused on […]