Exciting news! The 16th Invest in ME Research International ME Conference 2024 (IIMEC16) and 13th International Biomedical Research into ME Colloquium 2024 (BRMEC13) are set to take place 26-28 June 2024 in Cambridge, England!
These events, hosted by the UK charity Invest in ME Research, will be held at the renowned Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton Hall. Invest in ME is an organization dedicated to supporting research and raising awareness of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) in the UK.
We are thrilled to share that all OMF’s CRC directors will be present, offering their unique perspectives and findings:

- Jonas Bergquist, MD, PhD, CMO & Director of the ME/CFS Collaboration at Uppsala University
- Ronald W. Davis, PhD, Director of the ME/CFS Collaborative Research Center at Stanford University
- Christopher Armstrong, PhD, Director of the Melbourne ME/CFS Collaboration
- Alain Moreau, PhD, Director of the ME/CFS Collaborative Research Center at the University of Montreal
- David Systrom, MD, PhD, Co-Director of the ME/CFS Harvard Collaboration
- Wenzhong Xiao, PhD, Co-Director of the ME/CFS Harvard Collaboration, Director of the Computational Research Center for Complex Diseases
- Maureen Hanson, PhD, Scientific Advisory Board Member
Our esteemed CEO and Founder, Linda Tannenbaum, and Danielle Meadows, PhD, OMF’s Vice President of Research Programs and Operations, will also be in attendance!
The IIMEC16 conference will provide updates on ME/CFS research from around the world, adding to the wealth of knowledge gained from the previous two days of the BRMEC13 closed researchers Colloquium. This exchange of ideas and findings is the momentum we all need to push the boundaries of our understanding and treatment of ME/CFS and related conditions.
Do you want to help speed up the research process even more?
Now you can!
Join OMF StudyME Registry; a recruitment tool to connect individuals interested in participating in research studies with the researchers conducting them. Over 8,600 participants joined already! With OMF StudyME, we are already helping recruit for studies at:
- University of New England, Australia
- Bateman Horne Center, Salt Lake City, US
- Scripps Medical Center, San Diego, US
- Mt Sinai, New York, US
- Harvard Medical School: Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, US
- Stanford University, Stanford, US