Survey Participation Request 

Please help the Norwegian ME Association gather crucial information about ME/CFS by filling out their survey! 

The Norwegian ME Association has developed an excellent survey to fill knowledge gaps about the course of illness with ME/CFS. This effort will help inform policy decisions and the health and social care provided.

Click here to learn more and take the survey.

Survey Info & Structure:

This survey is in English and is open for anyone with ME/CFS to participate. Caregivers may answer on behalf of patients who are too ill to complete the survey themselves.

The survey consists of two sections, approximately 10 minutes each. You may pause at any time while filling in the questions and return later. Answers are not final until you submit the survey.

As the Norwegian ME Association has shared, “We hope that as many as possible take time to answer! We know answering surveys requires a lot of effort, and we greatly appreciate that patients and carers spend valuable time and energy answering.”

Click here to learn more about the Norwegian ME Association and their important work with survey research.