A regarder tout de suite : Présentations vidéo de la conférence portugaise sur l’EM/SFC et la COVID longue !

We are pleased to share that recordings from the 1st International Conference on Clinical and Scientific Advances in ME/CFS and Long COVID are now available!

This event, the first in Portugal, brought together leading scientists, clinicians, and international experts to share and discuss the latest biomedical evidence and findings on ME/CFS and the nexus between Long COVID and ME/CFS.

Visionnez les enregistrements de la première conférence internationale sur l'EM/SFC et la COVID longue. Écouter des experts sur les dernières preuves et découvertes biomédicales sur l'EM/SFC et le lien entre la COVID longue et l'EM/SFC.

Conference Recordings:

For all other sessions, please visit the Aliança Millions Missing YouTube channel.

We hope you enjoy these talks from members of our OMF team. If you’ve found these presentations valuable and want to contribute towards the ongoing research into ME/CFS and Long COVID, we warmly invite you to consider making a donation.