The End ME/CFS & Long COVID Project encompasses OMF funded and facilitated research conducted within six ME/CFS Collaborative Research Centers (CRCs). OMFCA’s guiding strategy focuses on open, collaborative research so that precise diagnostic tools and life-changing treatments can be available to people with related chronic complex diseases as soon as possible.
Funding an internationally-based research network instead of single researchers ensures the stability and collaboration essential for an outcomes-focused, transparent, and multi-pronged approach to finding answers
The six CRCs are working collaboratively to build a repository of data about ME/CFS and Long COVID.
This data is essential to develop diagnostic technologies, understand the molecular basis of the diseases, and uncover effective diagnostic tools and treatments.
With oversight from OMF’s Boards of Directors and Scientific Advisory Board, the following research projects further OMFCA’s Strategic Goals to improve the diagnosis and treatment of ME/CFS and Long COVID.
The current COVID-19 pandemic offers an unprecedented opportunity to understand how a viral infection may convert to ME/CFS in some patients.
The six ME/CFS Collaborative Centers have begun a unique, extensive, in-depth longitudinal molecular study following COVID-19 patients. Their shared goal is to determine the pathways involved in maintaining long-term symptoms in some patients, possibly converting to ME/CFS. They seek to learn about these pathways so as to develop biomarkers, novel drug targets, new treatment, and prevention strategies.